Saturday, March 2, 2013

Colours of a Woman - Couleurs de Femme

Today the final choice of paintings had been made.  The "savant", Z, helped me a lot.  There is a Serbian saying "takav je rodjen".  Some people are just born gifted!  I guess it's the same in every language...."born that way".  I am much calmer now that the choice of paintings for the art opus has been made.  But there is still an enormous amount of work and I still haven't finished M's portrait!

Mr. Z also bought a small painting which suits him well, the man in motion that he is.

I am glad that the new painting if S is finished!  I love to use earth toned crayons with gesso, or any toned charcoal, crayons.  Mixed with gesso, I can get a lot of depth and can work quickly.  Painting is like many recipes!  It helps to have a good memory, which I don't. 

So much of my work is done subconsciously, but I am starting to take more of a practical approach lately.  I use a different pallette for each painting and name it, so that when I get back to the painting, I know exactly which colors I used.  It's interesting,... I noticed that I never use the same group of colors!  Each paintings has it's own set of colors, kind of like a genetic code!

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