Monday, August 27, 2012

Impossible Blogger

It just took me 10 minutes to access my blog.  I wanted to edit the previous one, but impossible.  There is nothing to do but ask an expert.  Where will I find the expert?  Maybe V sometime this year?   I sent a message to blogger support and they answered back a few days later in French!  Since I  speak and understand french,  I read the completely useless and redundant advice; that I could access my blog through my gmail account!  Anyways, I still can't put any photos up.  I am doing a new (oil) portrait of S, a lovely girl of Korean origin with an absolutely inspiring aura. If the Sun continues this week, the portrait should be is full of color.  It just needs to be slightly lightened while keeping the vibrance of tone.  You can feel the heat in the painting!

I was finally able to access my last blog and fix the spelling mistake. Everything has to be done roundabout in this  I really don't know the it my tech-unsavyness...lack of software?  You'd think that I was a Serb in Quebec:)   

Friday, August 17, 2012

August in Montreal

Well July didn't's already a memory, this day will, tomorrow be! 
I have painted flowers and mountains this August, worked in the garden and gone to Ottawa to see Van Gogh.  His paintings are softer and more "feminine" than I remember them being from the last time that I saw his work in France. It was a perfect show to see in August with all of its warmth and sunshine...I am definitely inspired...must go paint now....