Tuesday, June 27, 2017

So many Consuls, so little time

After each Consular event, the impressions are vibrant and fresh. Writing a blog regularly, takes mental power and a wish to be heard, rather,..read. I just write on occasion, mostly as loose record keeping.
The work that we, Honorary consuls do, is in a way intense and not necessarily rewarded.
 The last few weeks have been busy....the FĂȘte National in Quebec and here in Montreal. It was magnificent in Quebec City with Premiere Couillard and his lovely wife. The scene seemed perfect; mostly because of the weather, ambiance and enthusiasm! It was good to have lunch in one of the many nice restaurants afterwards.

Mayor Coderre was more than generous, both times! He has a warmth and appeal that is sure to get him elected again.

The Greek Consul General was in great form at the FĂȘte nationale reception at City Hall! His language skills are impressive and he has an archaic profile!

I loved talking with the Lithuanian Honorary consular pair...they are so nice...and not to forget the White Rabbit of diplomacy...he draws everyone towards him, and soothes them, like a true violin maker!

Finally,...today I painted! But it was on a commissioned painting for B, which I promised last year! If he only knew how many hours it takes to paint his Ferrari winning Formula 1. Painting cars is something I'm doing for a friend...because my true talent is painting people. But there is a person in the car, and that gives it personality!

I'm really looking forward to the portrait of A.

Monday, June 19, 2017

American Consul General's Party in Montreal today

Wow! It was a lovely experience! The Consul General obviously has some of her priorities and beliefs in the right place! A virtual tour of the Grand Canyon, a small Art exhibit, and most importantly a father and his talented sons in fabulous First Nations costumes; speaking, singing and dancing....how inspiring!  Watching the marvelous Indigenous dancer....what can I say...an otherworldly experience! I have seen similar dancing on T.V., but never in real life! We were all blessed,...but some of the suits there were unaware.
There should be new rules....No more War! All the ways to resolve conflicts between Nations should be, through dance, sports, arts and any other non-violent competition!
Yes, it can be done...and the money spent on Arms can be spent otherwise and people can still MAKE money! Only, not the easy way; but the real entrepreneurial way, the new way: like renewable energy, and peaceful conflict! I think I just invented a phrase: Peaceful Conflict!
In any case, the Americans threw a beautiful and thought-out National Day Celebration. Bravo to those who organized this event and Bravo, outgoing Consul General, Nina Maria Fite!!!
Shall I speak of the other Consuls? There is so much to say...maybe write a blogel? That means blog-novel! Did I invent a new word this time?
But that would take a lot of time. It would be a fictional portrayal of our Consular Corps, and a nice time capsule:...imagine the Consul General with the impenetrable leaf green eyes...the suave Consul  accompanied by exotic beauties...the Grey wolf...the blue-eyed Slavic poet....
All are unique; each one a story, a poem, a person....to be told,..to be painted!

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Art and Diplomacy

I was very happy to sign into my blog so easily this time, especially when there is a lot to say! Though, I would need a faster iPad to actually say it all! For now, it suffices to say that as a newly appointed Honorary consul of Serbia to Quebec, I am being kept busy by many consular events, so that I have to find more time to paint and organize artistic events! Art and culture have always been an arm of diplomacy, especially in peacetime! The more we paint, sing and create, the more likely we are a peaceful people! Contests between Nations should be only athletic and based on creativity and inventions that help people....but that is utopia!
I have always liked utopia, and maybe only through art and in art, it can exist!...For now, back to the easel!
All the portraits I have painted have been of artists, inventors, athletes and diplomats! We are all diplomats in our own way, n'est pas?