Friday, December 21, 2012

Mother Russia is still Alive

Today was supposed to be the first day of the end and it was supposed to begin in Russia! 
From what I understand, Mother Russia is still alive, and we are still awaiting the deadly fireworks, the deafening darkness and the eventual promise of another reality in the future. 
Who wants the same old, same old,...getting up every day, going to work....little chores...grey walls...clutter of years...unsorted papers...small souls...there must be more, different...something that will answer our questions, something that will surpass our basic need, our emotions, our desires, our logic and reason! Something truthful must await and need no the moments in which I paint, when the brush seems to move on its own, controlled by my hand, which in turn is controlled by the force of life!  That force is named the subconscious in modern times, but is more like the universal consciousness which Edgar Cayce propagated.  He said it before computers, and he was obviously onto something!  We should all plug into the universal consciousness to become better entities of our own existence.
There is still light, regardless of the predictions.  Maybe the change is something more subtle, which we know not, yet?  Maybe Igor and the force of creation will show us a prism of color, yet unseen!?
In any case, I must go to the studio tomorrow and draw my one line, paint my one true...

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