Sunday, January 28, 2018

Slow to post in freezing January

One reason I'm not posting is simply, that I continue to use old technology. All my info is on this old iPad and I still haven't transferred it to the new one, admittedly, not really knowing how to go about it. It's easier to transfer things from PC's than from iPads. Since my internet activity is so slow, I keep it minimal.
Anyways, to get back to the original theme of this little blog; Art! My production has been rather slow lately, as I have tried to juggle other responsibilities. During the last two months, I have created about 5 works of fine art and about 3 poems. One painting was an abstract and it really came as a surprise. I mostly do abstracts when in a good mood, expressing positive energy! It takes a lot of physical energy to paint them! I used up a lot of my acrylic paints, since they are perfect for thick relief! Most of my abstracts now are Acrylic since they dry so fast and clean easily. But some of my best abstract backgrounds have been in oil and various pigments. There is beauty and surprise in the chemical reaction that takes place with the oils, pigments and various mediums.
And of course, the consular events of the last month! I missed  a few, but enjoyed the new Romanian Consul General's beautiful presentation and the fact that she is a very smart lady. The buffet spread was most artistic, like an abstract painting:)
Also, our new Mayor, Valerie Plante, the first female mayor of Montreal, invited the consular corps for season's greetings, and we were privileged to meet her friendly and lively new team!
Most of the consuls came to meet her despite the freezing weather, and she greeted everyone with charm and sincerity. I often see surprise when I mention Serbia, so I spend a lot of time talking about Tesla, Djokovic and the beauty of Serbia as a country to visit.
This has been a cold, cold January here in Montreal, and there is only so much freezing weather, ice, sleet, wind and snow that one can brave without catching something, which in my case is the flu. So, here's waiting for better health and better weather!